Cybersecurity Awareness Month Week 3: Downloading the Latest Software and Apps Is Important, No Cap

Author: ITS Staff Writer
October 17, 2022

It is week three of Cybersecurity Awareness Month. This week’s theme is “Downloading the Latest Software and Apps Is Important, No Cap.” When was the last time you applied updates or patches for your device? Always keep your software updated as soon as updates become available. Don’t delay! These updates fix general software problems and provide new security patches where cyber criminals might get in. You can be sure the bad guys are always looking for new ways to access your data through software, so updating your software is an easy way to stay a step ahead. If you would like to learn more, please visit Information Technology Services’ Campus Safety Week info booth between 3 and 4 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 18, in LIB 121 for the presentation “Stay Safe in Cyber Space.”